
Communication means Loving Well

One of my core convictions is that Leading well is Loving well. Leaders end up communicating a lot: 1-on-1 and large groups, written and spoken, blogs and Facebook, texts and phone calls, formal and informal, face-to-face and over distance, planned and spontaneous. Yep, if you’ve got a burning vision you’re going to find an audience […]

Books & Quotes

Let Your Message Come Through

The ability to clearly communicate sets excellent leaders apart from the others. One way to ensure poor communication is by medicating people with boring, run-on, predictable presentations. You’ve got something important to say. How do you say what you mean and increase retention of what was said? Here are a few tips: The greatest teacher […]

Culture Students

Communication: “Where’s My Screen?”

“Where’s my screen?” blurted the middle-aged woman next to me while we waited for the Indiana Jones show to begin at Disney World. Her rummaging instantly produced a sleek iPhone. We still had 10 more minutes to blow, why not get a little bit of work done while waiting? Over-35’s value smartphones as a means […]